Wednesday, May 23, 2012


How do people with kids find time to post on blogs? You people amaze me. A lot has happened in the last four months. Ellie has become quite the little chatterbox, asking all sorts of questions and pointing out everything from school buses to bugs to airplanes. Her very favorite thing to do is tell stories. A few weeks ago, she stepped on a tiny shard of glass in Granna's kitchen. 'Glass on the floor! Ellie stepped on it! Hurt Ellie's foot! Granna put a band-aid on it! Eat happy cake!' Happy cake is Ellie's term for everything involving chocolate ('chock-kick') - most often Nutella. We heard this story every day for at least a week. A couple days ago, I said something to Joel about the glass on his windshield, which made Ellie immediately light up and tell the whole story again. 'Glass? I have a story about glass!' I LOVE this kid. In other news, she's also pretty excited that she's going to be a big sister in January! She's convinced it's a 'boy baby, like Connor'. She loves playing the 'where's baby?' game. 'Is the baby in Ellie's chin? No! Is the baby in daddy's elbow? No! Is the baby in Pop's foot? No! Is the baby on Granna's eye? No! Is the baby in mommy's tummy? YES!' I'm loving this phase. She's learning so much, and she loves being a little helper. I'm so thankful for her cheerful personality and her sparking smile.

1 comment:

  1. Ellie is going to be thrilled when the baby comes and she finds out it really IS a BOY!
