Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New years, new ages and new adventures.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my second munchkin! It's hard to believe my little man is an entire year old today. This time last year, our little family of three was in a tiny cabin behind the birth center, eagerly awaiting the arrival of a baby who had already caused our faith and trust in God to be challenged and brought to an entirely new level. This year, I am thankful for that wonderful day and his perfect birth. I'm thankful for the countless grins and giggles we've experienced through the year and for the fact that, a year after he was born, I am still able to nurse him to sleep.When I look at my little man's life and birth, I am overwhelmed by God's grace and the emotional and physical healing He has given through his life. Happy birthday, Bubba!

Today also marks one week since I quit my job and became a stay-at-home mom. I have absolutely LOVED spending this week at home with my little ones. Getting up, making breakfast, sitting at the table and eating it, wiping down the table and the baby, washing the dishes... I am enjoying finally doing all the mundane things I've wanted to do for so long. Our entire family's stress level is noticeably lower since I've been home. We've been eating real food instead of take-out. The kids are bathed and our clothes are washed. And this mama is SO HAPPY to be able to focus on serving her husband and kids in the capacity she's always dreamed of.

And now, we're off to celebrate Brother's birthday at Braum's (which happens to be where we went when we determined I was in labor, then were told to go relax and eat lunch).

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