Sunday, February 5, 2012

A new phase of life: potty training and big girl beds

Last week, I decided it was high time Ellie learned to use the potty. She used to love going potty (we did a little bit of elimination communication way back in the day), but recently she'd been throwing fits whenever I tried to let her sit on the potty. Naturally, I was worried the kid was going to hate the potty all her life (cue visions of my 45 year old daughter still wearing cloth diapers). So last Friday evening, I tested the waters a bit and tried sitting her on the potty and she LOVED it. I decided to start potty training the next day.

...two hours, three accidents and two screaming fits later, I gave up.

So, being the stubborn person I am, I decided to try again yesterday. Determined,I faithfully took Ellie to the potty every 25 minutes. Did she ever go in the potty? No. But at least, by the end of the day, she was having fun sitting there and didn't fight me at all when I told her it was time to go potty.

This morning, I took her right away when she got up (from her big girl bed! More on that later). She hasn't whined or fussed about it once today! In fact, as I was in the middle of typing my first paragraph, I saw her take that about-to-start-teeteeing stance. I said 'wait!', leapt to my feet, swept her up in my arms and took her to the potty. Then, to my great excitement and pride, SHE WENT POTTY!

We celebrated, we clapped, we laughed, we jumped up and down, we blew into little party whistles. VICTORY!

In other news, last night was Ellie's first night in her big girl bed. I'd found a bed frame on Craigslist that was just perfect, so my dad and I headed out to the lady's house to pick it up yesterday. After an hour and a lot of headache putting it together, I brought Ellie in to see the finished product. She LOVED it. She spent the whole afternoon reading her books and playing with her stuffed animals on it. When bedtime arrived, I just didn't have the heart to drag her away from it and put her in her crib. So we moved her mattress over to the bed and laid her down and hoped for the best.

She woke up once during the night, but only because she'd lost her paci. As soon as I gave it back, she fell right back asleep. When Joel got up this morning, he found her sitting on the edge of the bed with her feet dangling off the side.

I'm so proud of this kid. I love watching her learn and grow - and she's so proud of herself, too.

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