Tuesday, January 10, 2012

In the beginning.

After many months of contemplating, planning, procrastinating and wishing I'd done it months before, I've finally done it. I've started a blog. 

My primary purpose in blogging is not to share my thoughts or activities with the world. I'm really more of a private person, although I do enjoy stating my opinions (perhaps a little too much, at times). Instead, I simply want a place to document our little family's life together; a place to direct friends and family when they ask what we've been up to; a place to document what activities we did when our kids were different ages (and remember what worked and what turned out to be a disaster); and, most importantly, a place to look back and relive all these precious moments when, all too soon, our little babies aren't little babies anymore. 

I want to remember these years - everything from the excitement in Ellie's voice every time we pass Christmas lights - 'pretty 'ights!' - to the corny jokes Joel makes when we go on our (few and far between) date nights. The time passes so quickly. 

A little about us:

We are the C family. Joel and I both grew up in the great state of Texas, and got married almost three years ago. Ten months later, our sweet little girl, Ellie, was born with sparkling blue eyes and a charming personality. We spend most of our days hanging out with our nephew, who is one day younger than Ellie. Joel loves taking pictures, and I enjoy sewing all sorts of adorable outfits for Ellie in my spare time. I also like to read, on those rare occasions when the world slows down enough for me to do so. I don't like to be confined by convention and tend to find my own way to do just about everything. 

Ellie loves choo-choo trains, painting her toenails and trying to repeat every word she hears in her cute little raspy voice. She's fascinated by books and likes to sit on the bottom step of our staircase and compose music on her little piano. Pushing her doll stroller around the house is also high on her list of favorite activities. 

Really, we're just an ordinary family, living in an ordinary house and making ordinary memories - and someday, I hope to look back on these pages and relive every one of them. 

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